Attorney Advantages
The Best Physicians Work in our Network
We only have surgeons that are both credible and reputable, leading to better case outcomes for all involved.
Global Bills Settled with One Call
Case Managers (and attorneys) appreciate the ability to settle cases quickly with one easy and quick negotiation, cutting time from these arduous tasks.
Polite, professional, and fair lien negotiation
We appreciate our attorney network and are sensitive to the referral relationship of personal injury cases. Surg-Assist always seeks a win-win-win for all parties. We understand that recoveries can be lower than expected. With that, our network strives to build relationships with our attorneys and medical professionals to continue these positive situations.
Real-time Access to All Medical Documentation
Law firms don’t have time to pursue documentation through faxes, voice mails or anything other than cloud storage access. Our online, HIPAA compliant portal is easy to use and available 24/7/365.
Get in touch with Surg-Assist
- 2101 Cedar Springs Road, Suite 1050 Dallas, Texas 75201